
5 Ways You Keep Your Smile White

Sep 19, 2024
5 Ways You Keep Your Smile White
Want to keep that smile sparkling white? Here are five ways to keep your bright smile from becoming dull and faded over time.

If you just visited the dentist for a professional cleaning or teeth whitening treatment, you might wonder how to keep that smile as pearly white as long as possible.

At C & C Dental in Sugar Land, Texas, we see patients who’ve tried every method under the sun to prevent their teeth from becoming discolored. Based on our experience with these patients, here are five of the best ways to keep your smile white.

1. Stay consistent with your oral hygiene

This tip is basic but vital: Brush and floss your teeth! Good oral hygiene is the foundation of whiter teeth. If you neglect to brush at least twice and floss at least once a day, you open the door for bacteria and plaque to build up on your teeth. 

If you can’t prevent this buildup, your sparkling white teeth become yellowish and dull.

2. Limit dark food and drink

Another enemy of white teeth is dark, acidic food and drinks such as tomato sauce, berries, wine, and coffee. These substances contain dark color particles that tend to penetrate the enamel surface of your teeth (especially if you’re not brushing), which dulls them over time.

You obviously can’t avoid these substances entirely, but try a few simple tips, such as drinking dark sodas through a straw to minimize contact with your teeth and rinsing your mouth with water after a meal where you’ve had dark food and drink.

3. Eat healthy

Speaking of eating — chewing on crunchy fruits and vegetables does wonders for your teeth. 

Not only does it trigger more saliva production, which helps wash stain-causing bacteria from your mouth, but it can also help remove plaque and provide vitamins and minerals to strengthen your teeth.

4. Don’t smoke

This one probably goes without saying, but we’ll say it anyway: If you’re a smoker, you should quit immediately. If you’re not a smoker, don’t start. Nicotine and tar stain your teeth brown and yellow faster than you realize. Plus, quitting smoking has numerous overall health benefits.

5. Get regular cleanings

Brushing your teeth is essential, but professional cleanings are vital as well. At C & C Dental, our tools can deal with plaque your toothbrush can’t entirely remove. Two cleanings a year can help keep your teeth bright and sparkling.

And if you want to jump-start getting a white smile while you’re here, we offer teeth whitening, both in-office and at-home treatments. To get started, call our Sugar Land office at 281-242-0241 or use our online scheduler to book your appointment today.