C & C Dental

General Dentistry

General Dentistry

General Dentistry services offered in Sugar Land, TX

General Dentistry X-Ray Machine

Maintaining a healthy smile requires routine dental visits, even if you don’t have a history of oral health issues. At C & C Dental in Sugar Land, Texas, board-certified dentists Tim Cashion, DDS, and Teresa Cody, DDS, offer superior general dentistry services for entire families. Schedule a dental cleaning, exam, or cosmetic dentistry consultation by phone or online today.

General Dentistry Q & A

What is general dentistry?

General dentistry at C & C Dental includes comprehensive family dentistry care, including dental evaluations, diagnostic testing, preventive care, and treatments whenever needed. The practice also provides cosmetic dentistry solutions to perfect the look of your teeth, gums, and smile — and aesthetics that restore hair growth or make treated tissues look younger and healthier.

Which general dentistry options are available?

C & C Dental provides the following general dentistry options:

Dental cleanings and exams

Professional dental cleanings and exams allow your provider to remove hard-to-reach tartar and plaque and look for signs of common oral health issues. The practice offers deep dental cleaning, including scaling and root planing, to treat gum disease.

Digital X-rays

Digital dental X-rays can detect early decay and other issues that aren’t always visible during visible inspections. 

Dental crowns and bridges

Dental crowns, or caps, fit over the surface of damaged teeth to protect them and improve their appearance. Bridges are restorations that replace missing or extracted teeth. 

Root canals

If you have an infection on the inside of your tooth, a root canal removes bacteria and infection to restore the affected tooth and prevent it from falling out.

Sleep medicine

Sleep medicine involves wearing an oral appliance at night to improve airflow, optimize breathing, and reduce bothersome symptoms of sleep apnea. 

Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) treatment

TMJ is a condition that affects your jaw joint, often causing stiffness, popping sounds, and pain. C & C Dental offers treatments that reduce these and other unpleasant TMJ symptoms. 

Tooth-colored fillings

Fillings that match your tooth color restore minor decay or damage without being noticeable to others. 

Laser dentistry

C & C Dental specializes in cutting-edge laser technology to treat dental problems without pain or invasive procedures. 

Cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry at C & C Dental includes dental veneers, teeth whitening, Invisalign® clear aligners, tooth contouring, All-on-4® technology, and other custom-fitted dental implants. 

The practice also provides facial recontouring (jawline and chin shaping), hair restoration, and numerous other aesthetics options.

When should I schedule general dentistry appointments?

Schedule dental visits at  C & C Dental every six months unless otherwise directed by your dentist. Call the office if you develop tooth pain, signs of gum disease, tooth damage, or other oral health issues. 

Schedule general dentistry appointments at C & C Dental by phone or online today.