The dentist says you need a root canal, but you’re worried. Here are a few reasons you shouldn’t be — for one, you’re saving your tooth!

You went to the dentist for your regular exam and cleaning, expecting — or, at least, hoping — to hear that everything was fine.  

Instead, your dentist said you need a root canal, and now you’re worried about your next appointment.  

In the past, root canals didn’t have the best reputation, but do you really need to be anxious about your upcoming root canal? 

At C & C Dental in Sugar Land, Texas, we believe the answer is no. We can give our patients several reasons why they shouldn’t be worried about scheduling a root canal. Here’s what we tell them: 

What’s a root canal?

Not to be too dramatic, but a root canal can save your tooth.  

The pulp inside your teeth can become infected, the result of injury, decay, or bacteria entering the tooth and causing cavities. Untreated, an infected tooth could need to be extracted, or it might even fall out. 

During a root canal procedure at C & C Dental, Dr. Tim Cashion or Dr. Teresa Cody removes the infected or damaged pulp. Then, they clean and disinfect the space before filling the tooth with a natural substance and sealing it. You may need a crown or filling to complete the process. 

Why you shouldn’t worry

Despite what you may have heard about root canals, the modern procedure has little risk and a big reward — you can keep your natural tooth and avoid the expense and hassle of tooth replacement. 

People tend to think a root canal causes pain, but in reality, a root canal relieves the patient of the pain caused by their infected tooth. We use a local anesthetic to numb the tooth and the surrounding area so you experience little to no discomfort during the procedure. 

And thanks to advances in dental technology and equipment, today’s root canals are relatively quick procedures. Times vary according to your circumstances, but a straightforward root canal usually takes about an hour to complete.  

You may be a little sore or numb for a few days, but you can manage any discomfort with over-the-counter pain relievers.  

Preserving rather than replacing your tooth allows you to maintain your natural bite, appearance, speech, and jawbone structure. Your mouth will thank you! 

If you need a root canal (or just a general cleaning), the experienced team at C & C Dental is ready to serve you. Call our Sugar Land office at 281-242-0241 or use our online scheduler to book your appointment today.